Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This guy has car balls.

This lady has car balls.

This kid, when he grows up, will have car balls.

Your grandpa has car balls.

I'm not sure what's on this guy's car, but it could be balls.

This guys has two sets of car balls, which are both real minotaur balls.

This chick has car balls. On her bike.

You, your dad, and your dad's truck, all have car balls on your balls and your cars.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Look- I know a lot of you out there don't celebrate Christmas, you celebrate Jesus. The best part about Christmas is the gifts. So for this holiday season buy your loved ones some sweet balls for their cars. It's time to upgrade...your Car Balls.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Today it was reported that Mexico City legalized same-sex marriage, which is great if you're gay but horrible if you're drunk one night, win $550 dollars in Tijuana and head to Mexico City with your roommate Xavier to "pull a joke on your parents".

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Audacity of Automotive Testicles

Let's just put this out there, Car Balls are essential to the world as we know it. Without balls, our cars wouldn't work, and without cars we wouldn't be alive. So let's face it, we need cars, cars need their balls, therefore, Americans need Car Balls. We are not here to protect the sanctity of marriage, God, or the United States Treasury Department, we are here to break balls, Car Balls. Buckle up, we're about to kick your car in the balls. Join us...won't you?